Saturday 3 September 2011

So Near Yet So Far

The friend of a friend who lives a long way away,
How I wish you could come over to stay.
Quenching the need to hold you tight,
Lost in a moment that just feels right.

Timeless hours of nonsensical laughter,
Maybe a walk in the countryside after.
In a serenely peaceful spot we would lie,
Living our lives on an endless high.

Connected together and yet so apart,
A friend who has seen me open my heart.
But her beautiful self in the flesh I’m denied,
I wish I could hold you here by my side.

But for now I’ll have to admire from afar,
Like a night gazer wonders at a glistening star.
One day we’ll embrace in a hug full of love,
I’ll keep waiting for my star from above.

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