Monday 29 August 2011

Moving Day

The most exciting yet nervous time of my life,
Waiting for moving day to arrive.
Change is afoot with new sights to see,
As I finally find out what it means to be free.
Memories strike me of the people I’ll miss,
The girl who gave me my very first kiss.
My friends who stood by me when I was a mess,
What I’ll do without them is anyone’s guess.
Yet the journey I’m taking fills me with hope,
Yes, there will be times when I’m struggling to cope.
But realising a dream is all the persuasion I need,
To move on from the comfortable life I lead.

There have been many men who try yet fail,
With only a few who survive and prevail.
These men are united with one common thought
They’re proud they went for the dreams they sought.
So when I move on to my new life in a few week’s time,
I hope you understand that isn’t a crime,
To be happy in leaving all the people I know,
I’m just taking this chance to let myself go.

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